Okay ya'll I'm just going to pretend it's on purpose that I post every two weeks. I have less than two weeks left in the city and though I swore I would get better about blogging as the summer went on, I failed. Instead of slowing down things seem to get busier and busier each week. My relationship with my phone is even suffering. (gasp, i know right?) If you know me well, you know my cell never left my hand but that is hardly the case these days. I now find myself responding to texts days later because I'm so caught up in the life I'm living here. It's refreshing, actually...maybe I'll bring this habit back to Columbia with me. I'm sure many of you would be very happy :)
This past weekend my whole family came to visit, 3 of the 4 being first time New Yorkers. I loved being reminded of how dazzling this city is when I saw their reactions to things like Times Square. After living here, I've kind of grown to hate that specific location because of the endless supply of tourists and the inability to navigate the sidewalks quickly. But, they reminded me just how breathtaking it really is to see all the bright lights. My dad commented on Thursday night as were walking out of the Broadway show, West Side Story (so good by the way) that it looked like it was still daytime even though it was 10:30 at night.
Maddie, my youngest sister, is like my mini-me so I thought she would be just as in love with this city as I am. She surprised me though, commenting that she could never see herself living here. It made me realize that living in New York definitely requires a certain type of person.The strong willed won't survive here, in fact they will hate it. Getting pushed around on the subway and being surrounded by crowds of thousands of people each day can't bother you. My sisters decided they would be much happier living in the country, which I could never do. So my conclusion is this, everyone has a place that makes them feel at home, and this is mine.
So recap of what I showed them...
Thursday I got off work early to meet them at the hotel. Then I took my mom down to the seaport and we decided which Broadway show to go see. There is was debate between Mamma Mia, Chicago, and West Side Story, but in the end the latter won. By this time is was almost 6 p.m. and the show started at 8 so we hurried back uptown, grabbed some quick sushi and to Broadway we went. The show was spectacular as I expected and I think everyone enjoyed it.
Then we were off to Times Square to take them to the brand new Forever21 store. I'm pretty sure Sarah and Maddie were in heaven. It boasts an incredible 90,000 sq ft, 4 levels, and an endless supply of clothes and dressing rooms. After doing some browsing the whole family was tired from their day of travel and they called it a night.
Friday the weather decided to "rain on my parade" a bit. The plan was to go see The Statue of Liberty but with the rain we decided it wouldnt be worth it. Instead we explored the seaport and financial district, where I live, and took the Staten Island Ferry to get some views of the skyline and pass right by Lady Liberty. We also visited the Wall Street Bull to get the ultimate tourist picture.
Later I introduced them to the wonderful world that is Century 21 (a discount store full of the top designer brands for 70% + off). Maddie ended up finding her prom dress for next year already, and Sarah got some great Paige white jeans. Even Dad found a few things he liked!
The rain had all of us needing a little pick me up so I showed them to one of my favorite spots in my neighborhood, Candy Nails. They offer a manicure/pedicure combo for just $16.75, amazing right?! All of us girls got the combo and relaxed and dad headed home for a nice nap.
Then it was dinner time in Little Italy, my favorite! Though the rain prevented us from being able to sit outside in true Italian fashion, the food was still delicious. It was a much appreciated nice meal after having pb sandwiches and microwave meals as the main staples in my diet for the past few months.
Saturday we shopped down 5th Avenue, explored Central Park, and met up with an old family friend. Oh and did I mention we saw Justin Timberlake?! He happened to be shooting his newest movie, Friends with Benefits, on the corner we happened to turn. Of course, my sisters and I got out our cameras and started snapping pictures. Got to have the evidence!
It was a busy day and we ended up not making it to dinner until almost 11. We had some mexican food that wasn't quite as good as the first time I went there, but Adam joined us and it was a lot of fun. Sarah and I ended up walking home around 3 a.m. after a fun filled night on the town together. I think she is still shocked at how much this city really never sleeps.
Sunday was supposed to be a day at the Yankees game, but again rain decided to change our plans. Instead Maddie and my dad went to see the King Tut exhibit in Times Square while my mom, Sarah and I decided to do a little shopping in SoHo, the best place to shop in the city.
To finish out the trip, it was cupcake time! Nothing says New York like a cupcake. My family got to experience my the fabulousness that is CRUMBS Bake Shop. We each tried a different flavor with mine being the winner of the the day, the Raspberry Swirl.
There were several other random things we did but that's pretty much the jist of it. I wish I could have shown them more but there is only so much you can do in 3 days. Ive been here 2 months and I still have yet to see everything.
Two weeks from now I'll be back home for one day then it's back to resume life as normal at Mizzou. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to have reverse culture shock coming back. Time will tell.
Until next time,
The Angel Wears Gucci
Missouri girl getting my first real taste of big city living. Living in Manhattan, working on 5th Ave, pretty much living out my dreams. Follow as I venture through my internship with Gucci in the fabulous city of New York.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Gossip Girl or Gucci Girl, You Decide
Hey Upper East Siders,
Gucci Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.
Spotted: Chuck Bass back in town sporting new arm candy from Paris. That bleeding heart didn't last long with this new blonde bombshell to heal the wound. Will this new candy be too tart for Blair? Only time will tell.
You know you love me.
-Gucci Girl
Ok, I had to. That was just too much fun.
Anyways as you can probably tell I was on the set off Gossip Girl last night where I got to see them filming scenes of an episode depicting Fashion's Night Out. If you don't know I am the biggest gossip girl fan ever. Seriously, I want to be Blake Lively (Serena) and Chace Crawford is my dream man. So being on set was pretty much a dream come true.
Spoiler Alert: Chuck does indeed survive his gun shot from the finale of last season and he has a new girlfriend that he brings back from Paris. She is played by Clemence Poesy from Harry Potter (Fleur). My guess is she won't last long but who knows.
I got to see Ed Westwick (Chuck), Lily, Rufus, and Erick on set filming last night. I am going back for more tonight because I heard that Blake (Serena) and Leighton (Blair) will be on set. So excited! I also have made some friends on the set and they told me about getting cast for a few scenes so you just may see me in an upcoming episode! Enjoy some pics of what I got to see.
Still living in dream world,

Gucci Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.
Spotted: Chuck Bass back in town sporting new arm candy from Paris. That bleeding heart didn't last long with this new blonde bombshell to heal the wound. Will this new candy be too tart for Blair? Only time will tell.
You know you love me.
-Gucci Girl
Ok, I had to. That was just too much fun.
Anyways as you can probably tell I was on the set off Gossip Girl last night where I got to see them filming scenes of an episode depicting Fashion's Night Out. If you don't know I am the biggest gossip girl fan ever. Seriously, I want to be Blake Lively (Serena) and Chace Crawford is my dream man. So being on set was pretty much a dream come true.
Spoiler Alert: Chuck does indeed survive his gun shot from the finale of last season and he has a new girlfriend that he brings back from Paris. She is played by Clemence Poesy from Harry Potter (Fleur). My guess is she won't last long but who knows.
I got to see Ed Westwick (Chuck), Lily, Rufus, and Erick on set filming last night. I am going back for more tonight because I heard that Blake (Serena) and Leighton (Blair) will be on set. So excited! I also have made some friends on the set and they told me about getting cast for a few scenes so you just may see me in an upcoming episode! Enjoy some pics of what I got to see.
Still living in dream world,
Miss Lily Bass looking beautiful as always
Ed (Chuck) with his new girl. I'm a Chuck and Blair fan, so I don't like her
Rufus (getting his makeup touched up) and Erick
Can't wait to watch this episode now
One of the several times we made eye contact. Pretty sure we're in love haha
About to shoot the limo scene
Filming literally right next to me. AHH!
The set in day light.
More to come. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Life in the city has been pretty good these days. I am so much more comfortable at work and really loving it. I also, for the first time in my life, have really taken an interest in fashion. I'm the girl who used to throw on the first thing I saw in my closet and be out the door. Now I find myself reading fashion blogs and watching runways shows in my free time, trying to learn about the latest "in styles". I never thought I could see myself in the industry but this summer has changed my mind. However, sports is and always will be my passion. This point was reaffirmed on Monday when I got the chance to fire off questions to a senior sports writer for ESPN Magazine in the class I'm taking here in NY. I have previously written feature stories about Sean Weatherspoon and Kim English for Mizzou Athletics and that was some of the most fun I've ever had. I definitely do not see myself in magazines though, so I'm thinking that being a publicist for sports figures will give me the sports fix I want AND let me be in the entertainment PR world. Two of my favorite things, perfect! (not so perfect is those jobs are far and few between).
Enough about real world stuff, I know what my friends really want to hear about iswhat I've been up to since my last update from Central Park row boating. Well things have definitely changed and my friends and I are discovering ways to mingle in some of the best places in the city- por gratis (free). It has been a pretty fabulous few weeks with lots of royal treatment. It all began with the Mizzou trip to see Alicia Keys performing live on Good Morning America. We were given VIP wristbands and got to enjoy the show from front row! I made it on the show several times, thanks to getting in good with the cameraman. Click below to see my big debut (im at 0:15 and 1:40)!
Alicia Keys GMA
Hearing Alicia sing 'Empire State of Mind' live gave me goosebumps. I am constantly playing that song in my head and it continually motivates me to keep working hard to land my dream job in NYC, so it was pretty incredible. By the way, Alicia looked absolutely gorgeous - I don't know if cameras haven't done her justice in the past or if she is just glowing thanks to the baby bump.
Enough about real world stuff, I know what my friends really want to hear about iswhat I've been up to since my last update from Central Park row boating. Well things have definitely changed and my friends and I are discovering ways to mingle in some of the best places in the city- por gratis (free). It has been a pretty fabulous few weeks with lots of royal treatment. It all began with the Mizzou trip to see Alicia Keys performing live on Good Morning America. We were given VIP wristbands and got to enjoy the show from front row! I made it on the show several times, thanks to getting in good with the cameraman. Click below to see my big debut (im at 0:15 and 1:40)!
Alicia Keys GMA
Hearing Alicia sing 'Empire State of Mind' live gave me goosebumps. I am constantly playing that song in my head and it continually motivates me to keep working hard to land my dream job in NYC, so it was pretty incredible. By the way, Alicia looked absolutely gorgeous - I don't know if cameras haven't done her justice in the past or if she is just glowing thanks to the baby bump.
There she is!
Kat and I enjoying the front row view
Later that day we were off to the Wall Street Journal to meet with some Mizzou grads working there and ask questions about the newspaper world. We got some good insight and realized the Mizzou Mafia is strong as ever in the big world of NY journalism. Last stop of the day was to ProPublica, an investigative journalism company. Their work was really impressive and very interesting but by this time most of us were feeling the effects of waking up at 4 am for GMA.
A look inside WSJ
Morgan and I with the DowJones sign, the parent company of LOTS of journalism outlets
Still drowsy from our big day me and my roommates opted for a night at the movies to see Toy Story 3. Definitely a good choice. We laughed and we cried and spent our walk home remembering nostalgic stories from our younger years. Go see it if you haven't yet.
The next day was my trip to the brand new Mets stadium courtesy of my new friend, Austin. Morgan had family in town so she couldn't go with him and knowing my love for sports she kindly asked me to join him and I accepted. Little did I know what kind of seats we were in. I would have been more than happy in nosebleeds but Austin hinted on the subway ride there that his uncle may have "hooked it up." Upon arrival we were told to enter through the VIP gate where we were handed free Mets hats and taken up to the suite level via elevator. I'll just say this- the owner of the Mets suite was right next to the suite we were in. AMAZING!
We were directly behind home base with a perfect view of the whole stadium. To make things even more exciting, Prince Harry was throwing the first pitch of the game that day. Later in the game the people who were in the suite with us gave us tickets to go sit in the 2nd row behind the Mets dugout (umm, awesome!). It was very entertaining down on the field (people were screaming funny things to the bat boys to get their attention so they would get a ball) and we were so close I could basically high five Jose Reyes. I also met the most adorable little girl who was in the suite with us and may have even landed a babysitting gig. Getting home was a bit of an adventure but we stumbled upon Little Italy and got a delicious seafood pasta and calamari, my fav! All in all it was a pretty perfect day.
Our entrance- VIP!
Prince Harry on the mound
Told you we were close, see
Austin and I with our view in the background
A glance of the suite we were in, and my new fav lil girl- Jen
Sunday continued the VIP trend of the weekend with a trip to Governors Island for the Vueve Clicquot Polo Tournament featuring Prince Harry (yes, I got to see him twice in two days - at this rate I'll be a princess in no time ;)
I had never seen polo played in real life before so that was really neat. I also got a high-five (well two actually) from Nacho Figueras, who is rediculously famous in Argentina for his polo playing skills (think Kobe or Tiger Woods status). Watching him and Prince Harry battle it out with their teams was amazing. I never thought I would be so close to the action but they rode right along the edges where we were standing on their horses. I even witnessed Prince Harry fall off his horse right in front of me, which was a bit scary. No worries though, he hopped right back up and continued playing.
At half time, we got to go stomp the field to fix all the divots that were made in the ground. It was then I realized how many celebs were attending the days festivities. They had a seperate section roped off just for them to stomp on though many of the high profilers stayed put in their private tents. People such as Ivanka Trump, Mary J. Blige, Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, Alexis Bledel, and many more. I did not realize it was going to be such a star-studded event. It was insanely hot that day though so we didn't make it through the whole match, but I will be back for more next year (crossing my fingers).
On the ferry, headed over to Governor's Island
Opening Ceremony
Out on the field
Prince Harry after his fall
Oh hey, Nacho!
The Prince in action!
So now you are only two weeks behind on my adventures. Next up 4th of July weekend then Boston Trip. I'm far busier than I expected, so bare with me.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Learning New Things
WARNING: THIS UPDATE WAS WRITTEN 2 1/2 WEEKS AGO. Yes I know, I'm not good at this. Here it is...
So as promised, I am going to update you all on how my domestic skills are coming along now that I live all on my own. Last week, I did laundry for the first time since being here (that's 3 weeks of clothes, but whos counting). I was avoiding it at all costs but it got to a point where I had no choice unless I planned on wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts everywhere I went (which is weird because back home thats the ONLY thing I do wear, here- no way).
This would be the very first time I have done laundry 100% on my own. No one to ask what shirt goes in which water temperature, no just folding it once its dry - this was all me. So here's how it all went down. I gathered all my clothing, towels, etc and dumped it into one big pile. Then I sorted it by colors, because I know thats how my mom does it at home. Then I loaded three huge bags and to the laundry room I went.
I will admit I tried to call my mom to get some guidance on the way down the elevator but got no answer. My logic was this, if I ruin all my stuff - at least I have a good reason to go shopping. Kidding, well sort of.
After about 3 hours and 4 loads later, laundry was complete and I didn't mess a single thing up! Whoo!!! So proud of my new skills. Next up, trying to cook without an oven and stove- top and only plastic silverware and plates. Report coming soon because I really want to see how good of a meal I can make with very little supplies (well, and I'm just really sick of Lean Cuisines so I'd eat anything at this point).
I completed round two of laundry tonight. 4 loads, nothing got messed up. I'd say I'm pretty much an expert laundrist (I'm allowed to make up my own words) now.
As for the cooking, things have improved drastically for me because I found a Trader Joe's. Tonight I made broccoli and shrimp penne pasta, all on my own. (aka it wasn't a frozen dinner) It was delicious and my skills will definitely be ready for my big apartment in the fall. Lucky for my roommates, I will be an experienced chef by that time AND I will have real tools to use (ex. an oven).
Next update will include my 4th of July activities followed by my weekend trip to Boston. Get excited, I have very fun stories.
Behold: My Laundry
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Meet the Roommates
Alright ya'll I realized I talk about my roommates a lot on here and I never formally introduced them so, without further ado- I present you with roommate #1 - Morgan.
Major: Strategic Communication
Sorority: Delta Gamma
Funniest Moment: Her constant gathering of ‘literature’ is always entertaining.
Interning at: A really cool advertising company in Brooklyn with clients such as American Express and Forever21
Random Fact: ‘Momma Morg’ as we lovingly call her knows how to do most anything- cook, get out stains, you name it. She also is always well prepared and probably has what you’re looking for in her ‘momma morg bag.’
Morgan is the first person I met upon arriving to New York. She helped me get my bags in the door and was just all around so sweet. We have become fast friends and love adventuring this big city together.
Next up is Lindsay, she is my original planned roommate and we go all the way back to the good ole days of Hollister.
Major: Magazine
Sorority: Delta Delta Delta
Funniest Moment: Walking down the street and all the sudden a bird decides to poop directly on her head. Not so funny at the time, but it’s a good laugh now.
Interning at: A magazine that is among the most read of my age category. Hint: They frequently have articles about sex
Random Fact: Always give her at least an hour heads up before you want to leave, she needs her “time”.
Last but not least, Jenny. She was the last to arrive and though I had heard her name before (she is a KOMU celebrity) she was a new face, too.
Major: Broadcast
Sorority: Delta Gamma Alum
Funniest Moment: There is a new one every day. She constantly has the best stories to tell and brings them to life so well that all of us are usually laughing uncontrollably by the end.
Interning at: A news organization that is not FOX, CNN, or CBS- working for a certain nightly news anchor
Random Fact: If you make the slightest sound while she is sleeping she will wake up, don’t bother trying to be quiet as a mouse- it still won’t work
I didn’t know what to expect living with two people I originally didn’t know but it has worked out perfect. All of our personalities fit great together and there has yet to be a roommate tiff and I don’t see one in the future. So lucky that I get to share these experiences with these amazing girls!
Roomie Love.
Major: Strategic Communication
Sorority: Delta Gamma
Funniest Moment: Her constant gathering of ‘literature’ is always entertaining.
Interning at: A really cool advertising company in Brooklyn with clients such as American Express and Forever21
Random Fact: ‘Momma Morg’ as we lovingly call her knows how to do most anything- cook, get out stains, you name it. She also is always well prepared and probably has what you’re looking for in her ‘momma morg bag.’
Morgan is the first person I met upon arriving to New York. She helped me get my bags in the door and was just all around so sweet. We have become fast friends and love adventuring this big city together.
Next up is Lindsay, she is my original planned roommate and we go all the way back to the good ole days of Hollister.
Major: Magazine
Sorority: Delta Delta Delta
Funniest Moment: Walking down the street and all the sudden a bird decides to poop directly on her head. Not so funny at the time, but it’s a good laugh now.
Interning at: A magazine that is among the most read of my age category. Hint: They frequently have articles about sex
Random Fact: Always give her at least an hour heads up before you want to leave, she needs her “time”.
Last but not least, Jenny. She was the last to arrive and though I had heard her name before (she is a KOMU celebrity) she was a new face, too.
Major: Broadcast
Sorority: Delta Gamma Alum
Funniest Moment: There is a new one every day. She constantly has the best stories to tell and brings them to life so well that all of us are usually laughing uncontrollably by the end.
Interning at: A news organization that is not FOX, CNN, or CBS- working for a certain nightly news anchor
Random Fact: If you make the slightest sound while she is sleeping she will wake up, don’t bother trying to be quiet as a mouse- it still won’t work
I didn’t know what to expect living with two people I originally didn’t know but it has worked out perfect. All of our personalities fit great together and there has yet to be a roommate tiff and I don’t see one in the future. So lucky that I get to share these experiences with these amazing girls!
Roomie Love.
Monday, June 28, 2010
So its official, I've lived in New York for a month (well plus 2 days, now). It blows my mind because it only feels like I’ve been here a week. But, when I think back to all the things I’ve done and seen it seems like it should have taken longer than even a month. I was talking to my boss about the things I’ve done on the weekends and she told me she has lived in New York her entire life and still not done some of the things I’ve done. I guess it’s a bit like how St. Louis is for me- being around it all the time you take for granted what you have. I’ve lived in STL my entire life and it wasn’t until last year I took a tour of the Anheuser Busch brewery for the first time, which is pretty famous. So I get it, I guess.
For me, I’m not sure New York could ever lose its sparkle. I do not want to take for granted one minute that I have here. I want to see every inch of Manhattan. Being as small as it is, geographically speaking, it wouldn’t seem hard but it is amazing how much can be packed into such a small space.
Every little thing about this city makes me happy. Its the little things that make my day great, like the subway arriving just as I reach the platform or the elevator already there waiting for me in the morning. I received a package from my mom yesterday and I squealed like a little 5- year old in excitement. (I have always loved getting mail, so this is actually not new for me, but exciting nonetheless). The stupid little things that would bother me in Missouri, like a super gross toilet that doesn’t flush well, barely get a passing thought here. Actually, they are more of just a running joke with my roommates and I.
I talked about it in a previous post but this city really does make me feel blissful, unlike anything else. And being so independent has been very eye- opening for me. I don’t need anyone here. I have no obligations to anyone and it is so refreshing. I even use my phone way less! (this is quite an accomplishment, trust me). I am notorious for always having a guy, but not here, and I’m happier than ever. Just a lesson learned that I definitely don’t need someone else to make me happy, I can do it all on my own. In fact, the only way to be truly happy is to be content all on your own first J
Another thing I’ve been thinking about lately is - when is all this dumb luck I’ve been stumbling upon going to end? I have to fall off cloud 9 at some point, right?
Well at the rate I’m going, probably not. Not while I’m in New York at least. I’ve been so blessed with getting to do some amazing things. See Alicia Keys VIP first row, free rooftop party, free VIP at clubs, VIP at Mets game. I am not a Very Important Person, I am just a non-paid intern from Missouri. So, why me? I really couldn’t tell you but I’m not complaining. I’m having the absolute time of my life and couldn’t ask for more.
Living the good life.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Whirl Wind Weeks
I just need to admit to myself that I am absolutely terrible at keeping up with this whole blogging thing. It has been over 2 weeks since my last update... Every day I swear I am going to write and then things always seem to pop up. So I cant even quite remember what I've talked about and what I haven't.
These past few weeks have been incredibly busy, but everyday I am loving it here more and more. I have been given a much larger role at work then I could have ever imagined (I'm running the office...alone! ahhh!) It's been extremely stressful but so worth it. It's been a bit of a wake up call of what the real world is like. There is scheduled hours, but you work until the job is done, even if that means getting there early and staying hours late. The fashion world is not always glamorous but it sure is exciting.
My big thing lately is reminding myself not to 'miss it'. Not get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday that I fail to realize all the incredible things around me. Things are constantly happening here- no really though, all the time. Walking down the street there is constantly someone or something famous within sight. I have just discovered that almost nightly there are huge celebrity events right near my apartment at Ciprani Wall Street. With the fast pace and constant sensory overload in this city it is so easy to not realize all the incredible things going on around you. Doing my best to soak it all in and realize the opportunities around every corner, literally.
I'm fairly certain you could live in this city for years and never see all it has to offer. There is just so much. It makes planning out weekend adventures or nights on the town quite difficult because the options are endless. My roommates and I have been pretty successful and found some great places to make memories at. Here is a recap of the places I've been in weeks 2 and 3.
South Beach, Staten Island via the ferry (which is free and has a beautiful view of the city
The Pier 88 to visit the visiting naval boats during Fleet Week
Some trendy bars in Midtown and Greenwich for my friends 21st
FOX News and CNN for Tours
Various places for many different movie filmings including 'The Adjustment Bureau' starring Matt Damon and 'Something Borrowed' with Kate Hudson. Can't wait to see these and recognize all the places they were shooting
Rodeo with all the girls in the program for margs and mexican food. Delish!
Central Park exploration to see Balto
Sit on the steps of the Met like Blair and Serena in Gossip Girl
Dinner in Little Italy
Serendipity after class for their Frozen Hot Chocolate, soo good!
Which leads me to my best weekend yet. It was completely unplanned and we just happened to stumble upon an amazing time. Friday I got to see one of my favorite PHA girls, Ashlen for dinner at Justin Timberlake's restaurant called Southern Hospitality. Then I met up with Melissa, a friend from high school at this great bar on a boat in the Hudson called, The Frying Pan. Finally ended up at this beautiful club called Anja. I wish we had places like these in Columbia, it is definitely my kind of scene. Somehow chandeliers and live djs beat out Big 12, who would of thought right? :)
Saturday I went to this beach called Rockaway Beach that reminded me of Florida. Again, its crazy how NY really does have anything you could ever need. It was beautiful and the perfect escape I needed to catch some rays. That night we went to this amazing rooftop party that had hired their own band and bartender. Free top shelf drinks, anyone? The view was the best part looking out onto the Empire State building and all the rest of the bright amazing skyline. I met someone there that is hooking me up with a 60% discount on a pair of Christian Louboutins. Basically the one designer thing I have always wanted, they are gorgeous! The guys we were with then took us to a club in the meatpacking district where we went straight to VIP and danced the night away.
Sunday began with a visit to the Seaport for some breakfast at the Waffle cart. You can add whatever toppings you want and it is sooo yummy. Then we continued the spectacular Sunday with a visit to the Highline, an above ground out of service subway line that has been turned into a park. It was so much fun and the views were amazing! It was so refreshing to see so much green. Then we headed to central park to do some rowing in the lake. Cannot describe how much fun and laughter my roomies and I got out of this. The weather was incredible and we could not have asked for a better day. And we spent less than $15 for the entire fun filled day! This includes a full meal in between it all at this little hole in the wall mexican place where we proceeded to get burgers fries and a drink all for $5.95. Trust me, in this city thats pretty incredible.
I have a big day at the office tomorrow so I need to get to sleep. Chances are I will fall asleep on accident while working on something, just like I do every night. Legitimately, every night that I have been here I have never fallen asleep purposely. So much to do so little time!
These past few weeks have been incredibly busy, but everyday I am loving it here more and more. I have been given a much larger role at work then I could have ever imagined (I'm running the office...alone! ahhh!) It's been extremely stressful but so worth it. It's been a bit of a wake up call of what the real world is like. There is scheduled hours, but you work until the job is done, even if that means getting there early and staying hours late. The fashion world is not always glamorous but it sure is exciting.
My big thing lately is reminding myself not to 'miss it'. Not get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday that I fail to realize all the incredible things around me. Things are constantly happening here- no really though, all the time. Walking down the street there is constantly someone or something famous within sight. I have just discovered that almost nightly there are huge celebrity events right near my apartment at Ciprani Wall Street. With the fast pace and constant sensory overload in this city it is so easy to not realize all the incredible things going on around you. Doing my best to soak it all in and realize the opportunities around every corner, literally.
I'm fairly certain you could live in this city for years and never see all it has to offer. There is just so much. It makes planning out weekend adventures or nights on the town quite difficult because the options are endless. My roommates and I have been pretty successful and found some great places to make memories at. Here is a recap of the places I've been in weeks 2 and 3.
South Beach, Staten Island via the ferry (which is free and has a beautiful view of the city
Some trendy bars in Midtown and Greenwich for my friends 21st
Met Clay Walker
FOX News and CNN for Tours
Various places for many different movie filmings including 'The Adjustment Bureau' starring Matt Damon and 'Something Borrowed' with Kate Hudson. Can't wait to see these and recognize all the places they were shooting
Rodeo with all the girls in the program for margs and mexican food. Delish!
Central Park exploration to see Balto
Sit on the steps of the Met like Blair and Serena in Gossip Girl
Dinner in Little Italy
Went to The Tonys and saw some fab celebs
Serendipity after class for their Frozen Hot Chocolate, soo good!
Which leads me to my best weekend yet. It was completely unplanned and we just happened to stumble upon an amazing time. Friday I got to see one of my favorite PHA girls, Ashlen for dinner at Justin Timberlake's restaurant called Southern Hospitality. Then I met up with Melissa, a friend from high school at this great bar on a boat in the Hudson called, The Frying Pan. Finally ended up at this beautiful club called Anja. I wish we had places like these in Columbia, it is definitely my kind of scene. Somehow chandeliers and live djs beat out Big 12, who would of thought right? :)
Saturday I went to this beach called Rockaway Beach that reminded me of Florida. Again, its crazy how NY really does have anything you could ever need. It was beautiful and the perfect escape I needed to catch some rays. That night we went to this amazing rooftop party that had hired their own band and bartender. Free top shelf drinks, anyone? The view was the best part looking out onto the Empire State building and all the rest of the bright amazing skyline. I met someone there that is hooking me up with a 60% discount on a pair of Christian Louboutins. Basically the one designer thing I have always wanted, they are gorgeous! The guys we were with then took us to a club in the meatpacking district where we went straight to VIP and danced the night away.
Sunday began with a visit to the Seaport for some breakfast at the Waffle cart. You can add whatever toppings you want and it is sooo yummy. Then we continued the spectacular Sunday with a visit to the Highline, an above ground out of service subway line that has been turned into a park. It was so much fun and the views were amazing! It was so refreshing to see so much green. Then we headed to central park to do some rowing in the lake. Cannot describe how much fun and laughter my roomies and I got out of this. The weather was incredible and we could not have asked for a better day. And we spent less than $15 for the entire fun filled day! This includes a full meal in between it all at this little hole in the wall mexican place where we proceeded to get burgers fries and a drink all for $5.95. Trust me, in this city thats pretty incredible.
I have a big day at the office tomorrow so I need to get to sleep. Chances are I will fall asleep on accident while working on something, just like I do every night. Legitimately, every night that I have been here I have never fallen asleep purposely. So much to do so little time!
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